Negative relationship values with certain characters net Michael different bonuses than positive relationship values. As Westridge says during orientation, "there are no good or bad choices, only results." Alpha Protocol: Averted zero trust is a valid strategy. In Star Control 3, insulting a particular faction results in an immediate Non Standard Game Over. You can imagine how fun this was in the desert level. If trust got low enough, they'd refuse to let you ride, and would eventually run away from you. To keep their trust, you had to give them food and water. The GBA version of Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron has you gaining the trust of wild horses and leading them through various areas. In Paperboy, if all customers cancel their subscriptions, caused by you failing to deliver the paper directly to their doorstep, you get fired. However, failure turns out to be a beneficial result, as success drives her to unwittingly seek out Nathan's co-conspirator/mastermind for protection, resulting in the very kidnapping you hoped to prevent. Inverted in Life Is Strange episode 4 "Dark Room": Whether or not you succeed in warning Victoria about Nathan Prescott's intention to kidnap her depends on how nice or mean you've been to her in the previous episodes. If you don't take each NPC out on a regular basis (or you do things they don't enjoy when you do take them out), they'll stop being your friend/girlfriend, and you lose their special ability. GTA IV added platonic friends who basically work the same way, except for the lack of sex at the end of the date. In Grand Theft Auto (starting with GTA San Andreas), you can date certain girls once they like you enough, each one provides a special service (e.g., getting your weapons back when you're arrested, removing Wanted Levels, etc.).
If you ask too many irrelevant questions (ie asking about the wrong evidence), your confidence meter drops and if it empties, you have to start over.
#Geneforge 5 recipes mac
The CSI: NY video game gives Mac or Stella a meter while questioning NPCs.